jeudi 23 mai 2024

Overview of Overseas Real Estate Investment from China

Overseas real estate investment has long been a preferred strategy for Chinese investors looking to diversify their portfolios, in 2024,  hedge against domestic market volatility, and gain from international markets. While the landscape has experienced fluctuations due to global economic shifts and evolving regulatory frameworks, certain countries continue to attract significant Chinese investment in their real estate sectors.

Current Situation in China 

The Chinese government has implemented stricter capital controls over the past few years to stabilize the domestic currency and reduce capital outflow pressures. These measures have somewhat tempered the volume of overseas real estate investments. However, Chinese investors remain influential in several global markets, often focusing on commercial and residential properties that promise high returns and stability.

Economic factors in China, such as the cooling of the domestic real estate market, have also driven investors to seek opportunities abroad. Moreover, the desire for asset diversification, migration, education abroad for children, and lifestyle considerations continue to fuel interest in overseas property investments.

Top Countries for Chinese Real Estate Investment

United States

The U.S. remains a top destination for Chinese real estate investors. Key attractions include stable returns, a strong legal system, and high-quality educational institutions. Major cities such as Los Angeles, New York City, and San Francisco are particularly popular, although there is growing interest in secondary cities due to lower entry costs and higher potential yields.

Australia has been a favored destination for Chinese investors due to its proximity to China, quality of life, and robust legal protections for property owners. Sydney, Melbourne, and Brisbane are the most targeted cities. Although regulatory changes have imposed additional taxes and stricter lending conditions on foreign investors, the demand remains strong.


Canada is highly regarded for its stable economy, quality of life, and strong property rights. Vancouver and Toronto are the primary focuses for Chinese investors. However, similar to Australia, Canada has introduced measures like foreign buyer taxes to cool overheated markets, particularly in Vancouver.

The UK, particularly London, has historically been attractive to Chinese property investors. The market's transparency, high rental yields, and the UK's status as a financial hub continue to draw investors. Post-Brexit currency fluctuations have also created buying opportunities.
Southeast Asia

Countries like Thailand, Vietnam, and Malaysia are increasingly popular among Chinese investors due to their growing economies, affordable property prices, and welcoming policies for foreign buyers. Bangkok, Ho Chi Minh City, and Kuala Lumpur are key cities of interest.

As the largest economy in Europe, Germany attracts Chinese investment primarily in the commercial real estate sector. Cities like Berlin, Frankfurt, and Munich are popular due to their economic stability and strong growth prospects.
Challenges and Opportunities
While opportunities abound, challenges such as political uncertainty, foreign investment restrictions, and economic instability in some regions can affect the viability of overseas investments. Additionally, the ongoing global economic shifts due to trade tensions and the COVID-19 pandemic's aftermath continue to reshape investment strategies.

In conclusion, despite some regulatory and economic hurdles, overseas real estate investment remains an integral part of the portfolio for many Chinese investors. The focus continues to be on markets that offer a combination of economic stability, strong yields, and lifestyle benefits. As global conditions evolve, so too will the strategies of Chinese real estate investors.


 Expanded Overview of Overseas Real Estate Investment from China: Focus on Dubai and Mauritius, Investor Types, and Leading Company
Chinese investors continue to expand their global real estate portfolio, venturing into diverse markets that offer unique benefits. The addition of destinations like Dubai and Mauritius reflects a strategic choice due to their investment-friendly climates and high growth potential. Furthermore, understanding the variety of investor types and the leading companies in this sector provides a deeper insight into Chinese overseas real estate investments.

Dubai and Mauritius as Emerging Investment Destinations



Dubai is increasingly appealing to Chinese investors due to its tax-free environment, high rental yields, and ambitious infrastructure projects. The city's strategic location as a global business hub and its luxurious lifestyle are significant draws. Initiatives like long-term visas for investors and relaxed ownership laws have further boosted Chinese interest in Dubai's real estate market.


Mauritius attracts Chinese investment with its stable political environment, favorable tax regime, and strategic location as a gateway to Africa. The government's initiatives, such as the Property Development Scheme (PDS), allow non-citizens to buy property and obtain residency, enhancing its attractiveness. The island's luxury real estate market, appealing to retirees and investors seeking a peaceful lifestyle, has seen considerable growth in Chinese investment explained Keiza immobilier

Types of Chinese Real Estate Investors

Institutional Investors: These include insurance companies, investment funds, and state-owned enterprises looking for large-scale investments to diversify assets and manage large funds' stability.

Private Equity Firms: They focus on high returns through direct investments or real estate funds, often engaging in more speculative ventures compared to institutional investors.

Real Estate Developers: These companies or individuals purchase land or properties to develop and then sell at a profit, often focusing on luxury or large-scale projects.

Individual Investors: Personal investors typically look for residential properties abroad either for personal use — such as for education or immigration purposes — or as rental investments.

Leading Company: China Vanke Co., Ltd.

China Vanke Co., Ltd., often simply known as Vanke, is one of the largest real estate companies in China and a major player in the global real estate market. Founded in 1984, Vanke has expanded its operations beyond China, with significant investments in real estate projects around the world, including in the United States, Hong Kong, and the United Kingdom.

Vanke's overseas strategy focuses on developing residential, commercial, and mixed-use projects, often in partnership with local developers to leverage their market knowledge and expertise. The company's approach is characterized by a commitment to quality, sustainability, and community-oriented developments, aligning with global trends towards green building and environmentally friendly practices.

Chinese overseas real estate investment is characterized by a diverse array of destinations, investor types, and leading companies like Vanke, driving forward the industry. As markets like Dubai and Mauritius continue to offer favorable conditions, and as the types of investors diversify their strategies, the landscape of Chinese overseas real estate investment is set to evolve, reflecting broader economic trends and the shifting dynamics of global real estate. read more 


vendredi 15 septembre 2023

Fashion, Cosmetics, and the New Age of Advertising in China


Look at this video first to understand your challenges hehe. 

China, with its dynamic economy and evolving consumer base, has long been recognized as a powerhouse in the global fashion and cosmetics industry. As its middle class grows, so does its appetite for luxury, trends, and new-age beauty products. However, what truly sets China apart in recent years is its transformative advertising landscape, shaped by technology, culture, and a new generation of consumers. In this blog post, we'll delve into the current state of fashion and cosmetics consumption in China and explore the emerging advertising trends that brands must be aware of.

A New Era for Fashion and Cosmetics in China

The Chinese consumer has come a long way. Gone are the days when Western brands could easily dominate the market with their global reputation alone. Today’s consumers, especially the younger generation, are well-traveled, digitally savvy, and highly discerning.

Local is the New Global: While international brands like Chanel and Estée Lauder still hold considerable sway, local brands are rapidly gaining traction. Companies like Perfect Diary and Li Ning are resonating with Chinese consumers through their deep understanding of local culture, values, and aesthetics.

Digital Transformation: The e-commerce boom has revolutionized how consumers discover, evaluate, and purchase products. Platforms like Tmall,, and Xiaohongshu (Red) have become the new hubs for fashion and cosmetics enthusiasts.


Personalization Over Mass Production: There’s a growing demand for personalized products, where consumers want items tailored to their unique preferences and skin types.

Trends in MARKETING: Navigating the Digital Landscape

With the rise of digital platforms, advertising in China has taken on a new dimension. Brands are now realizing that traditional methods may not suffice in capturing the attention of the modern Chinese consumer.

Influencer Collaboration: headack I know 

Key Opinion Leaders (KOLs) play a pivotal role in shaping purchasing decisions. Their vast following, combined with a trusted voice, makes them invaluable assets for brands looking to expand their reach.

Interactive Campaigns: Livestreaming has emerged as a popular advertising trend. From product launches to fashion shows, brands are engaging consumers in real-time, offering a more immersive shopping experience.

Localized Storytelling

Localized Storytelling: More than ever, brands are focusing on crafting narratives that resonate with the Chinese culture and values. This could be through festivals, historical tales, or modern-day success stories.

Data-driven Decisions: The digital age has made it easier for brands to access consumer data. This data is instrumental in understanding consumer behavior, preferences, and creating targeted ad campaigns.

Social Commerce: Social media platforms, especially WeChat and Xiaohongshu, are blurring the lines between socializing and shopping. Brands are integrating shopping features within these platforms, making it seamless for consumers to browse and purchase.

Challenges Ahead: Finding the Right Balance for Brands

Commlicated I know 

While opportunities abound, brands must also be aware of potential pitfalls. The Chinese market, with its diverse consumer base and regional nuances, can be complex to navigate.

Cultural Sensitivity: Brands must be cautious and respectful of local sentiments. Any misstep, especially those perceived as cultural insensitivity, can lead to backlash and loss of trust.

Over-reliance on Digital: While digital is dominant, offline experiences, such as pop-up stores and experiential events, still have their place in the consumer journey.

Sustainability Concerns: The modern Chinese consumer is becoming increasingly eco-conscious. Brands need to address sustainability, both in their products and their advertising narratives.

In Conclusion from your Blog 

China's fashion and cosmetics market is a goldmine of opportunities, but it requires a nuanced approach. With the right balance of cultural understanding, digital innovation, and authentic storytelling, brands can thrive in this vibrant landscape. The key lies in listening to the consumer, adapting to the ever-changing trends, and staying true to one's brand essence.

Further readings 

vendredi 30 juin 2023

Australian Brands in China: Strides, Strategies, and Success Stories

In 2023, Australian brands have established a strong presence in China, marking a significant milestone in Australia's economic and trade relations with the country. These brands span various sectors, including food and beverages, fashion, beauty, health, and education, each carving out a unique position in the vast and diverse Chinese market. This essay will explore the trajectory of Australian brands in China, their marketing and growth strategies, and notable success stories.

Asutralia China's burgeoning middle class

The initial interest in Australian brands in China can be traced back to China's burgeoning middle class, which sought out quality and safety in overseas products following a series of food safety scandals in China. Australian products, renowned for their high quality and strict safety standards, quickly became popular, particularly in the food and beverage sector. Brands such as Penfolds and Jacob's Creek in the wine industry, A2 Milk and Bellamy's in the dairy sector, and Swisse and Blackmores in vitamins and health supplements capitalized on this demand.

Zimmerman, Sass & Bide, and RM Williams,

However, beyond food and beverages, other Australian brands in fashion, beauty, and education have also made their mark in China. Fashion labels like Zimmerman, Sass & Bide, and RM Williams, beauty brands such as Jurlique and Aesop, and educational institutions including the University of Melbourne and University of Sydney have all developed strong followings in China.

Crucial to the success of these Australian brands has been their ability to understand and navigate the unique aspects of the Chinese market. Digital marketing strategies, in particular, have played a pivotal role. Given the predominance of ecommerce and social media in China, Australian brands have had to embrace platforms like Alibaba's Tmall and Taobao,, and social media sites such as WeChat and Weibo. Live-streaming sales, collaborations with local influencers or Key Opinion Leaders (KOLs), and participation in shopping festivals like Singles' Day have become key promotional strategies.

One successful example is Swisse, a leading Australian wellness brand. Leveraging local celebrity ambassadors and participating in reality TV shows, Swisse was able to raise its profile and drive sales in China. Similarly, A2 Milk capitalized on China's demand for safe and quality baby formula, building trust through strict control over its supply chain and robust offline and online marketing campaigns.

Localization has also been a significant factor in the success of Australian brands. This includes not just language localization but also understanding local tastes, preferences, and cultural nuances. For instance, in the fashion sector, Australian brands have made efforts to release China-exclusive collections or incorporate Chinese elements into their designs during important festivals.

Sustainability, a cornerstone of many Australian brands, has also found resonance with Chinese consumers. With growing environmental awareness in China, Australian brands known for their sustainable and ethical practices have gained traction. For instance, Aesop's focus on sustainable and natural ingredients in its skincare products has been well-received.

 Navigating China's complex regulatory environment

Building and maintaining government relationships is another critical aspect of Australian brands' China strategy. Navigating China's complex regulatory environment requires a thorough understanding of local laws and regulations, and having strong government relations can often facilitate this process. Furthermore, government support can also help in dispute resolution and crisis management, adding an extra layer of security for Australian businesses operating in China.

significant challenges

Despite the successes, Australian brands in China also face significant challenges. These include intense competition, both from international and increasingly sophisticated local brands, complex regulations, and geopolitical tensions. Yet, many Australian brands have demonstrated resilience and adaptability in the face of these challenges.

Growth, adaptation, and success

Overall, the story of Australian brands in China is one of growth, adaptation, and success. With an astute understanding of the Chinese market, effective use of digital marketing platforms, localized strategies, a focus on sustainability, and strong government relations, Australian brands

lundi 16 janvier 2023

Top Business News from Vietnam + 700 billion USD

 Thanks to the government's flexible policies and the efforts of companies to expand their export markets, the country's foreign trade showed impressive growth last year, exceeding 700 billion USD for the first time.

700 billion USD

In 2022, the import-export value of goods reached 732.5 billion USD, up 9.5% compared to 2021, informed Nguyên Thi Huong, head of the General Statistics Office.

It is just insame , the business in China 

Exports amounted to 371.85 billion USD, and imports, 360.65 billion, up 10.6% and 8.4% respectively year-on-year. As a result, the trade balance in 2022 showed a trade surplus of USD 11.2 billion, she said. In 2022, 36 products earned more than $1 billion each through their exports, including eight with more than $10 billion each. At the same time, 46 imported products had a turnover of more than 1 billion USD each.

Vietnam is one of the "most open" country in Asia. 

It exports electronic devices, integrated circuits and electronic micro-assemblies, footwear, technological products and machinery. Its imports are mainly electronic integrated circuits, semiconductor materials, etc.

Vietnam Top Business Partner 2023

Vietnam's main trading partners are the United States, China, Japan and the Republic of Korea. 

The Vietnamese economic model remains highly dependent on foreign investment and exports, particularly to the United States and China. Vietnamese trade is characterized by a certain geographical inequality: the country has a trade surplus with Western countries, but has a trade balance deficit with some of its Asian neighbors. To pursue its development, the country must continue to increase the value of its exports and diversify its products.

Further readings


lundi 26 décembre 2022

Overview and Insights about the Chinese Hats Market

The Chinese Hats & Caps market value is HUGE 

The market's value is the most important thing to consider when you are looking to enter a market. How important is the market? Is it big enough to support so many other competitors? Statista estimates that the Chinese caps and hats market will reach 6.63 billion USD in 2022. Comparable to the worldwide hats & caps market of 25.87 billion USD. The Chinese market currently takes 25.6% global hats & caps market.

Article Source 

China's Hats & Caps Market: Men, Women and Children

Who is the primary audience for hat products in China and who are their main competitors? The market for women's caps and hats in China is expected to reach 3.37 billion dollars by 2022. This represents 50.8% of China's total market. In 2022, the women's market for hats and caps accounted for 2.45 billion and 0.81 million USD respectively. 36.9% and 12.2% respective of the market share. The women's market for hats will continue to be the largest in China until 2022.

Chinese customers are more willing to buy hats online

Chinese customers are more likely to shop online than they do offline because of China's advanced e-commerce. Online sales of caps and hats for children, women, and men will account for 58.7%, 59% and 60.4% respectively of their market values in 2022. In comparison to the global market which has 35.2%, 35% and 32% online sales respectively, brands should place more emphasis on China's online sales.

Guess Which Hats Are More Expensive On Average? Men's!

The market volume for hats and caps in 2022 will be 1039.7, 505.3 and 465.3 million, respectively. If you calculate their market value, it might be that the average price for men's caps and hats is 4.85 USD. However, the average price for women's caps and caps are 3.24 USD and 0.3 USD. While the market for women's caps is growing faster than that of men's, Chinese men are purchasing more expensive hats.

What are the Trends in China? What is emerging?

Street wear leading to the rise of the Fisherman Hat

Chinese fashion-lovers of the younger generation (Gen Z), are more focused on the fisherman's hat. Many fashion youths in China are now willing to wear street clothes because of the rise in hip-hop. They have made it a popular choice to express their taste and find like-minded people by wearing street clothes. Inadvertently, they will highlight certain details in outfits through their choice of accessories or clothing. Fisherman hats have enjoyed a rising popularity. The winter of 2022 saw a 58.1% increase in the number of searches for fisherman's hats on Douyin. Fisherman hats have become a symbol for fashion and are no longer considered outdoor headwear.

lundi 7 novembre 2022

Luxury in China after lockdowns

 The values ​​of the luxury sector are once again displayed in the very best places of the charts of increases this Friday morning. LVMH, Hermès International and Kering rose by 2 to 3.1%, with a strong influence on the 0.8% rise in the Cac 40 given their significant weight in the flagship index.

China is the future of luxury according to Boston Consulting Group

There is still talk in the markets of a potential exit from China's zero Covid policy, the same rumor as a few days ago. “What we assume is that [the country] will model its reopening on the model of Hong Kong”, indicated this morning to Bloomberg Jack Siu, director of Greater China investments at Credit Suisse, before relativizing: “To reopen completely, it will take at least another nine months. »

Rumors on Luxury in China

"Not aware", "not surprised"

the luxury sector had already taken advantage of rumors circulated on social networks and relayed by the same news agency, but not confirmed, according to which the Chinese authorities would consider ending their zero Covid policy. Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman, however, reacted by saying he was "not aware" of a government committee tasked with assessing ways to stop such health restrictions still. in force in the country.

“I am not surprised by this rumor circulating online about a conditional reopening, reacted the same day, Liu , Top level Excecutice  at China Power Asset Management. The Council of State could wait for the deliberation of the team of experts to determine the next step to be taken. The market is also ready to buy on any indication that an inflection point is in sight for the zero Covid policy”.

At the end of September, Hong Kong announced, like Japan, the lifting of the mandatory hotel quarantine for anyone arriving from abroad, after a total isolation of more than two and a half years. The only condition for this is that travelers submit to a PCR test when arriving in the territory, without being able to go, however, to bars or restaurants during the first three days of their stay. China is now the last country in the world to apply this quarantine period. It also imposes broad confinements as soon as positive cases appear in any region.

According to other sources, still relayed by the Bloomberg agency, the first stage of this reopening would include an increase in the number of flights to China while, for the moment, certain air routes may be stopped for one to two weeks. in the event of detection of positive Covid cases among travellers. These same restrictions were stopped in July in Hong Kong. The number of international flights could thus more than double between October and March. The second stage would aim to relax the measures put in place when new cases are discovered, before a third, which would consist of a return to normal air traffic. However, no timetable seems fixed.

jeudi 3 novembre 2022

How to meet Chinese distributors?

How to meet Chinese distributors?

Chinese distributors are a great option for brands looking to enter the Chinese market. They have an in-depth knowledge of the market and can help you connect with the right buyers. Chinese distributors also have the ability to expand your reach beyond China, making them a valuable asset to any brand looking to expand their business in Asia.

How to find Chinese distributors for your brand

When building a network of Chinese distributors for your brand, there are a few things to keep in mind. First, it is important to understand the differences between distributors in China and those overseas. Second, research your target market in China to find the best potential distributors. Third, make sure you partner with reputable companies that have a proven track record in the Chinese market. Fourth, be prepared to invest time and resources in building and maintaining your distributor network.

Things to Consider When Choosing a Chinese Distributor

When choosing a Chinese distributor, there are a few things to consider. The first is the size of the distributor network. Some distributors have a large network of factories and dealers while others may have a smaller network. It is important to find a distributor that has the right reach for your products.

Another factor to consider is the distributor's experience. Are they experienced in importing and selling Chinese brands? Do they know the Chinese marketing landscape and consumer behavior? Do they have contacts in major Chinese cities?

The final consideration is price. It is important to find a distributor who will offer you a good price for your products. Beware of distributors who claim to offer lower prices but actually charge higher shipping and commission fees.

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