lundi 18 février 2013

Marketing Report on China Movies

Marketing Report on China Movies

China has become the world's 2nd largest film market and is predicted to be the largest, overtaking Hollywood, by the end of the decade.

The country already has what is claimed to be the largest film studio in the world. Hengdian is a three-hour flight south of Beijing. 20 years ago, it was a small farm town. Now, it is larger than Universal and Paramount Studios combined. "Forget Hollywood, here we have 40 different productions at the same time, via

Market Report for China 

"Zeng Yulin, the spokesman for the studio said to me with a guide and a golf cart, we took a tour of the site There seems to be no limit to what they can create:

 .. We went pass a spectrum of Chinese history from colonial Hong Kong prewar Guangzhou recreated every detail. at the heart of it all is a stunning full-size recreation of the Forbidden City in Beijing.

China will be 2x the US smart phone market in a year!  Only two years ago, China was a laggard with a tiny portion of the US.  What happened?

Movie in China 

No sets are temporary and there seems to be one for every conceivable scene. in a corner, we stumbled upon the filming of what appeared to be a key fight scene in a war movie to come.

Surrounded extras in costumes outsized was the main actor Qi Dao. Impeccably dressed in the uniform of a police officer in the 1930s, Dao was on his fifteenth take of the morning. in a short pause, he spoke Hengdian.
 "It's getting better every day,"
"There is still some way to go before it is an international standard as Hollywood.,
But it is better
" He then turned to the only question that keeps many regard China.

jeudi 14 février 2013

China and Money !!!!

China and Money !!!!

Exchange rate adjustments are spectacular in progress for several months between world currencies: the U.S. dollar against the Brazilian real lost 15% since March 2012, the Argentine peso 13%, 11% and Indian Rupee Japanese Yen 14% after have declined until mid-July, the euro has risen sharply by 11% against the dollar and 4% against the pound sterling from the same date. Where are these changes that may lead to a currency war?


A brief history will show that, upstream, the responsibility for this must be attributed to monetary policy and China's trade. From 1985 to 2007, when Beijing's influence in it was still small, the International Monetary Fund (IMF)

International Monetary Fund (IMF)

 repeated that the imbalance of international trade induces the risk of a systemic crisis. Keynes, one of its founders, concluded in 1945 that the 1929 crisis was caused by the huge trade surplus that the United States had renewed from 1900 to 1945. If they octroyèrent in 1947-1948 reassessment strong dollar, it was precisely so that Europe and Japan recover their trade and can get out of their economic and social crisis, thus escaping the greed of the USSR.


the IMF was surprised by the crisis because it had not properly taken the measure of the imbalance of trade: he had polarized the only deficit of the United States, certainly gaping and growing, without noticing that it came primarily from a huge surplus and growing

VISA and China Policy 

Chinese manufactured goods vis-à-vis the rest of the world. The Middle Kingdom was indeed a privilege to overcome: a huge cost-surcompétitivité against the United States, but also against all the other industrialized countries of the world, except Vietnam. In 2011, the hourly cost of labor in China ;..for froeigner they should have 2 year experience source working VISA in China

There are some very simple documents required for any type of visa:- Passport with two blank pages of any entry, which must be valid for at least six months from the date of the application- A visa application form to fill out (available on the website of the Embassy of China) with a passport photo (color)

mardi 12 février 2013

Information About China (February)

Information About China (February) 

The test poses a major foreign policy challenge to Mr. Xi Xiping the Chinese president the new head of the Communist Party, who has said he wants the United States and China to develop a “new type of relationship between two great powers.” 

How Mr. Xi deals with North Korea in the coming period could tell the United States what kind of leader he will be, and what kind of relationship he envisions with Washington.
  • Already he has shown himself to be more of a nationalist than his predecessor, Hu Jintao, displaying China’s determination to prevail in the East China Sea crisis in which China is trying to wrest control of islands administered by Japan. 
  • He has also displayed considerably more interest in China’s military, visiting bases and troops in the last two months with blandishments to soldiers to be combat ready.
source NYT

China expressed its "firm opposition" to North Korea's latest nuclear test Tuesday and called for new denuclearization talks, a relatively mild response from Pyongyang's most important ally.

 The statement from the Foreign Ministry reflects Beijing's growing frustration with its communist neighbor's provocative behavior, as well as its reluctance to impose more severe measures that could destabilize the North's hardline regime.

In China, where official relations with the Vatican are a “never-ending crisis,” as the Vatican Insider put it recently, the news of the resignation of Pope Benedict has been slow to spread. The Chinese state doesn’t recognize the Pope as the leader of China’s Catholics and has had its own “patriotic” church since the Communist Revolution in 1949. source
But by noon Tuesday the news that rocked the world was arriving here, too. One priest’s reaction was accepting – even approving.“I’m open-minded. You can retire as Pope,” said Father Yan, in a telephone interview from a Chinese province. (H